Colorado Springs Bed Bug Exterminator

Colorado Springs Bed Bug Exterminator

Do you need a Colorado Springs Bed Bug Exterminator? Heat Pest Services is the most experienced bed bug treatment company in Colorado. Our unique Heat Treatment process kills all bed bugs and eggs in 8 hours or less. We also offer an 18 month bed bug warranty for single family homes if we heat the whole house. Not only do we provide services for residential structures, we also provide commercial bed bug treatment.We have provided over 30,000 bed bug treatments in the markets we serve. Our experience gives us the confidence to solve any level of bed bug problem. Pest control companies often refer their worst bed bug cases to Heat Pest Services because they know we only provide bed bug treatment, and we’re really good at it. The Colorado office is located in Denver, however we are in Colorado Springs every week.

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Bed Bug Treatment Specialist

Bed Bug Exterminator found bugs on a couch in Denver

If this is your first time dealing with bed bugs you should know that they are one of the most difficult pest problems you will experience. The bed bugs feed on your blood when you are sleeping or resting. They hide very well in your furniture and can go unnoticed for months. This is why it is so important to choose a pest control company who has the experience to exterminate the bed bugs and get you back to normal fast. Most bed bugs are resistant to many of the pesticides used today and the eggs are not effected by pesticide. This is why bed bug heat treatments have been regarded as the most effective way to get rid of them. Heat treatment kills all stages of life from eggs to adult and can reach all bed bug hiding places.

Bed Bug Removal Warranty

Colorado Springs Bed Bug Extermination Warranty

We offer an 18 month bed bug warranty for single family homes when we heat all rooms. Our warranty covers you whether you bring bed bugs back in from the original source or if we failed to kill all bed bugs. No other bed bug exterminator in Colorado Springs offers such a long warranty. In most cases our competitors offer a 30 day warranty, which is no warranty at all. It takes longer than 30 days to know if the bed bugs are gone. Why is it so important to have a long bed bug warranty. Let me answer that question by answering another question.

Where did the bed bugs come from?

Bed bugs are hitch hikers. You can pick one up on your clothing if you sit in a chair that has a bed bugs on it. This can happen in a public place like a movie theater or restaurant for example. They are also commonly found in hotels, medical facilities, offices, libraries, schools, and anywhere else there are people indoors. Colorado springs is loaded with bed bugs but don’t worry, with your bed bug warranty you will be covered.

There are other ways you can get bed bugs as well. If someone has bed bugs in their home and they come to visit you they can bring you a bed bug on their clothing. The bed bug will be hitch hiking on them looking for a home. You can also pick them up on used furniture or other items from garage sales or second hand stores. For the thrifty folks who I just discouraged, take heart, you can also get them from having new furniture delivered. Often times the furniture delivery people will pick up the used furniture which will be placed in a truck right next to the new pieces. Luckily most furniture delivery drivers are trained to inspect the used furniture, but stuff happens.

If you know where the bed bugs came from then of course you should do what you can to prevent them from coming back, but if they do reappear for any reason during your warranty we will take care of you. It’s what we do.